Just Thought I Should Remind You All About My Surveys

I haven’t done an update on my surveys in a while, so here it is. For those of you who don’t know about my surveys, I am trying to do a couple of independent studies for some future blog posts. The first study will be on Religious discrimination, and I will be focusing on how people view discrimination aimed at atheists vs. how they view it aimed at Christians. The second study will be on feminism’s reputation. Namely on how people perceive it’s reputation. Please help me out by doing and sharing my survey. It will be greatly appreciated. And for those of you who have already done my survey, please share it wherever you can. I would like to write those blog posts this summer.

Here is how I’m doing so far:
Religion Surveys:
This survey deals with various situations that may be considered discrimination towards Atheists:
http://kwiksurveys.com/s.asp?sid=vvaqodd0equ2y21474850 – 4% complete
This survey deals with various situations that may be considered discrimination towards Christians:
http://kwiksurveys.com/s.asp?sid=pi387nzvmo8dklc474867 – 2% complete
This survey looks at whether or not the respondent feels they have been discriminated against for their religion:
http://kwiksurveys.com/s.asp?sid=3zolzpi3k1lwc7s470898 – 8% complete
This survey looks at whether or not people feel that Atheists are discriminated against:
http://kwiksurveys.com/s.asp?sid=t2k9uo23mlnmklk470896 – 7% complete
This survey looks at whether or not people feel that Christians are discriminated against:
http://kwiksurveys.com/s.asp?sid=85koff95iqwpme3470893 – 7% complete
Feminism Surveys:
Situations that may or may not be considered Feminist issues:
http://kwiksurveys.com/s.asp?sid=xxiz033c05yo72v472614 – 3% complete
Are various Feminist causes helpful or hurtful for the Feminist movement?
http://kwiksurveys.com/s.asp?sid=i8d3kq6z73ems49471695 – 7% complete
How do you perceive Feminism?
http://kwiksurveys.com/s.asp?sid=4p48z0rwjwooxpf471689 – 7% complete
Does Feminist have a bad reputation?
http://kwiksurveys.com/s.asp?sid=r4t8nurh0tyxvqt470762 – 11% complete
Please help me out by doing my surveys, if you haven’t already, so that I can write my posts on the responses. And please share my surveys as well.

17 responses to “Just Thought I Should Remind You All About My Surveys

  • theprozacqueen

    I haven’t worked with that survey platform so I don’t know how it works, but would it be possible to insert a blank under “other” options so we
    could explain our choice? That might help with the more nuanced questions. Perhaps there can also be a “comment” section at the end.

    Just a suggestion.


  • humanisthousewife

    I complete most of them, and will do the rest today. Im very interested to see the results and read your posts about them! Good luck and hope you get all the responses you need soon.


  • We’re all (nearly) equal now … | Clouds moving in

    […] here are some basic questions about feminism, not as nuanced as my views, but you may find the surveys […]


  • The False Prophet

    I can put this on my personal facebook, too (not The False Prophet one), if you are okay with that. Let me know.


  • The False Prophet

    Reblogged this on The False Prophet and commented:
    Atheist? Christian? or something in between? Please, help out this Hessian With Teeth. Your help is much appreciated.


  • Stan Adermann

    Are you following some particular methodology for these surveys? I did one and it seemed odd, maybe biased.


    • hessianwithteeth

      Can you explain what you mean by that? And what survey you did?


      • Stan Adermann

        I did the first in your list here. And I’ll admit that I’m not an expert on surveys, just that it struck me as odd. You’re free to ignore my criticisms. Here’s what was strange to me:

        1. The scenario about the televised interview (which I recall happened on Fox), asked about the host’s statement, but then veered from whether a host’s comments are discriminatory to what he was commenting about. These are really two different things, what a host can say on his own show (which is anything, really), and the question about religious landmarks on public land (which is settled law). If you were aiming for consistency, that section at least appeared to miss.

        2. I realized almost immediately that the proper answer to all of the “are these situations common” questions is “I don’t know”, unless I have seen actual statistics. Obviously the survey won’t tell you if they actually are common, only if they are perceived as such. So at best it’s a measurement of whether the perception is over or under stated. Or of whether or not the respondent has been affected by an availability cascade.

        3. I would expect a set of “are you liberal/conservative/atheist/religious/male/female” type questions so that responses could provide useful information about how opinions break down by groups. Lacking that it seems you’ll just get some sort of bell curve without the opportunity to delve any deeper into the data without subsequent surveys.

        4. The “how is this discrimination” sections seemed very atheist-centric, as in if you thought it was discrimination you would like agree to almost every option that was not “i don’t know” or “other”. There were few or no viable alternatives, and the scenarios seemed to allow for little wiggle room. The political candidate one was a head-scratcher for me, because there are many reasons besides just an admission of atheism that a candidate might lose. A change in tactics of the opponent, some outside event that makes some other aspect of the candidate less desirable, etc. Sure, it might be her atheism, but even if it is, does that rise to discrimination? If I prefer redheads over brunettes, does that mean I’m discriminating against brunettes? By the strictest definition perhaps, but not in any way that matters. I just felt the scenario was narrowed down to a ridiculous level.

        5. The “how is this not discrimination” mostly seemed to contain one or more “I’m an asshole who hates atheists” option, but the flipside of that didn’t have any equivalent option. It was inconsistent. Also, the options here seemed more random and less likely, unless the survey taker is openly biased. The only exception seemed to be #23 with the option that “The Christian students aren’t attacking atheists”. That option stood out as the only one that a Christian might seriously agree to without being a dick.

        6. Lack of control questions. Most surveys will explicitly take different angles on the same subject to check if the respondent is being self-consistent. While the survey covered a variety of scenarios, it didn’t seem that any were circling back to check in this way.

        Overall, it just seemed 99% atheist perspective and 1% any other perspective. It didn’t seem to allow much wiggle room for reasoned people to offer alternate opinions.

        BTW, if you don’t want my comments to flavor any other people’s survey responses, feel free to delete them. It’s just my $0.02.


  • Just Thought I Should Remind You All About My Surveys | Christians Anonymous

    […] Source: Just Thought I Should Remind You All About My Surveys […]


  • wjacobr

    I understand… I’ll come back and do the other questions when I have more time. This is an interesting project.


  • Please Take These Surveys | Amusing Nonsense

    […] at Hessian and Withteeth’s blog, they have these surveys they would like people to take. Some are about atheism and Christianity (they are looking for input […]


  • wjacobr

    Only had time for one questionnaire… I’m not up on what this or that celebrity says, so that set of questions went over my head. Several of the other questions would have required a more nuanced response–how people perceive feminism, for instance, is way more complicated that those questions allowed for.
    Oh, the one celebrity you might have cited (didn’t, probably because it was too recent) was P. Arquette at the Academy Awards–which exposed serious intersectional problems–vis a vis white and black femenists.


    • hessianwithteeth

      These surveys are from months ago. Unfortunately, surveys aren’t really able to be terribly nuanced. Allowing for too many responses makes things far too difficult to record. That’s why “other” responses are always a necessity.

      Liked by 1 person

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